TGIF! I'm so happy the weekend has finally arrived, and my only agenda for the weekend is to enjoy a good book by the pool. What are you up to this weekend?
Here are 10 links I loved this week:
1. Summer vacation packing list (Lauren Conrad)
2. 5 tips for a bright + colorful summer picnic (Pizzazzerie)
3. Save your battery with this iPhone trick (Refinery29)
4. Simple mini almond muffins (Petite Pastels)
5. 5 TED talks to inspire productivity this summer (The Everygirl)
6. I love this pin (Pinterest)
7. I need this tee in my life (TheDailyTay)
8. 8 easy ways to wear white this summer (jillgg's good life)
9. Hello taco emoji (finally)! (Huffington Post)
10. Tips for building a better brand presence (Create + Cultivate)
And a few things you may have missed...
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