Monday, January 5, 2015

My Word of the Year: Brave

Brave, Word of the Year, 2015, Project Soiree

I decided to start the new year with a specific word to keep me focused and establish my priorities in 2015. For the record this is a temporary tattoo (from Jess Lively) I had this summer, but the word BRAVE is my word of the year. I made a small list of resolutions for personal growth, and after reviewing the list I realized being brave was key to success. 

I'm attempting to take some risks this year, step outside my comfort zone and learn that rejection is just part of the game. I need to approach these situations with bravery and stay courageous in order to grow and face new challenges. 

Do you have a word of the year? If not, start by making a small list of goals for the year and chances are you'll see a common theme or word. If you have a word for the new year please share!




  1. From my resolution list came the word "acceptance" - I hope to be better about accepting things as they are to help me live more in the present. Brave is a great one too!

  2. That's a great word for the new year Anne! It a perfect reminder to accept things as they are. Happy New Year :)

  3. I need to come up with a word and plaster it everywhere...let me think on it :)

  4. I love this idea! I had similar thoughts with my moodboard. My word of the year would have to be "Active".

    1. Thanks Lindsay! Love the word "active." Happy New Year!

  5. I love that tattoo font! what was it?

  6. I love that tattoo font too! Please, what was it?


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