Get to know Emily:
The Dinner by Herman Koch - it's a book about a dirty little secret that gets revealed to the reader over the course of a fancy dinner. The book is even sectioned out by courses instead of chapters. It's wild.
2. What inspired you to write Eightysixed?
My first real heartbreak was bubbling over inside me and the only thing that made me feel better was to write about it. Eventually hilarity overtook the heartache, and I realized: this could be a book. So I made it one.
3. What's your favorite thing about writing?
It's the only thing that makes me feel better instantly (ok, that and red wine). I can have any kind of hellacious day, then open up my Word document, pick up where I left off last time, and then all of a sudden, all is right in the world again.
4. Five things on your wish list
- For every 20 or 30-something girl in America to read Eightysixed and realize the world has a funny way of helping you find yourself when you are utterly, emotionally lost.
- For chocolate milkshakes to come out of my faucets instead of water.
- Reservations at Alinea.
- Vanderpump Rules to be renewed for a 3rd season.
- A good hair day everyday for the rest of my life.
"Would you like to see a dessert menu?"
Love her 5 things! Can't wait to read the book! - J