Get to know Laurie:
1. What are you currently reading?
The current issue of Fast Company, profiling the top 50 innovative companies –such a good read. Also, I just started reading another of Gillian Flynn’s novels, Dark Places.
2. Favorite recipe or restaurant?
I love cooking at home. I have a chicken pot pie recipe that is delicious and impossibly easy to make. Happy to share if anyone is interested!
3. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
Definitely the people I’ve had the chance to meet. I’ve developed friendships from blogging that I otherwise wouldn’t have formed and have interviewed some incredible forces in the beauty business that I still pinch myself over.
4. Five things on your wish list
- Tata Harper Love Potion – that pink puff atomizer, ahh!
- Madewell Mira Heel – on back order in my size until June
- Every single one of NARS Matte Multiples, but especially Siam
- A Burberry Trench Coat --- it’s been on my list for years
- BaubleBar x Anthropologie – it does not disappoint
5. Favorite quote?
I find a lot of inspiration in John Mayer lyrics (yeah, for real!) Really love the ‘Age of Worry,’ which reminds me to just go with the flow even when things are stressful or crazy.
“Alive in the Age of Worry. Smile in the Age of Worry. Go Wild in the Age of Worry and Say Worry Why Should I Care."
I'll definitely have to start reading 312 Beauty - I love recommendations for new beauty products!
Suppose Anything Goes