Well Tipper here's to you...We'll never forget that exciting day we picked you out (as the small runt of the litter) with that iconic tip on your tail that sealed the deal. As we headed right to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate your homecoming not even the thrilling games or rows of tickets could take my mind off you. I was just too excited to take you home and dress you in my doll clothes and show you off to my friends.
I know you really loved it when I accidentally locked you in a cabinet while playing house, for giving you a bath when you really didn't need one, and for getting you in trouble for climbing the Christmas tree and breaking all of those ornaments. But I know I made it up to you by remembering to leave you voicemail messages while we were on vacation and sharing my after school snacks with you. I'll probably never eat an Oreo or Teddy Graham again without thinking about you.
We'll also never forget your week long vacation you decided to take without saying goodbye. Wherever you ran off to thanks for coming home to enjoy the last few years of your life being babied with plates of milk and water from the upstairs sink every night at 9PM. Life has never been the same since we brought you home 20 years ago.
Cheers Tipper...You've been through all the best parts of my life and all the challenging pitfalls knowing just when I needed you most. Thank you for all the happy memories that we'll cherish forever.
This is a beautiful tribute to a great cat. I have tears in my eyes as I read and I am sure you also had many tears writing it. Tipper will be missed. You two had a special relationship. He had a great life and played a crucial role in our family. When all else was in a turmoil you could count on Tipper to crawl into your lap.
ReplyDeleteA heartfelt tribute to a "life-long" friend. Wow 20 years of memories....Thinking of you today Sara.
ReplyDeleteLuv Ya,
Aunt Thressa
Oh sis. You guys sure had a special bond. As much as I thought he would like me most because he was my birthday present, you were always his mom and I was his aunt. I will never forget how he was trapped between the doors and you made a lost cat poster for him only to find him a few hours later. Then that wretched sound he made after you thought giving him a bath was a good idea. How he hated the vet so we never brought him. How he loved that spot just behind his ear that only you could get. He loved you and you him. Cheers to 20 years!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post. Our animals just bring so much to our lives. Cheers to your Tipper! Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteJayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings