Monday, May 7, 2012

What I'm Reading Now: ?

I'm packing my bags and heading to sunny Florida next week, but I'm missing an essential travel item...a good book (or two). So I need your help with some book suggestions.

What book(s) should I read?
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  1. Have you gotten Insurgent yet?
    Thanks to YOUR suggestion, I fell page turningly in love with Divergent. Maybe that would be a fun vacay read.

  2. Solace by Belinda McKeon is good for a dramatic love story...just finished it. Now I'm reading Afterwards by Rosamund Lupton, which is an engrossing mystery so far. Have fun in Florida! xo

  3. the steig larrson trilogy is a must-read (must-reads!?) but kind of intense. anything by jen lancaster is light and really hilarious!

  4. I'm wrapping up Aleph, by Paulo Coelho. Not sure if this is your style. I am enjoying every page! Have fun in Florida! xoxo


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