Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Shaved Asparagus Pizza

I'm completely smitten with this recipe for shaved asparagus pizza from Smitten Kitchen. I made this on a lazy Sunday with the pre-made pizza dough from Trader Joes and was in love with every bite. It's a great way to incorporate what's in season this spring and try something a little different than the classic pizza toppings.

Images found here




  1. This looks unbelievably good! I may need to try it asap.

  2. Wow! You read my mind! I was actually thinking on doing something with asparagus, so this is definitely something I should try! xoxo

  3. I officially need to move to Chicago - yall's food is incredible!! I love asparagus!

    I'm hosting a great giveaway this week for a free "Blogger's Notepad" which is a great tool for keeping your blogging life organized! Would love for you to enter! http://bit.ly/K1Dxat

  4. Oh my goodness this looks amazing! A fun way to have asparagus!

  5. What a healthy easy and yummy looking pizza!

  6. YUMMMM.
    Way to make me have some major late night hunger pains. Glad you came across my blog cause now i've found yours!

  7. That looks soooo good. And that says a lot considering I'm not a big fan of asparagus!

  8. My parents grow asparagus and have been giving me extras so I definitely need more inspiration for how to use it all up. This looks delicious!!


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